Eins og kjuklingur a teini....

Hafdís grillast i ofni, við vægan hita

miðvikudagur, apríl 14, 2004

Í tilefni dagsins er þessi færsla á ensku.
(og álíka ósmekkleg eftir því)

I had a good day today. The sun was shining and the ducks were having sex on the tjörn. But when I came to Kvennó, everything went on the back legs. First I decited to skróp in math class (I´m always about to give up the duck in there, it is soooo boring) an logged me on the internet instead and stared to read some blogs. On this site I saw something that really bugged me, so I wrote a nice and polite coment on it. I came completely from mountains when a few minutes later some people were having some shitthrowing in my garden on the kommentakerfi. I took this no-mittentakes and wrote back so I will propably be under green turf by this time tomorrow.
The raisin at the end of the hot-dog is now this small pistill on my blog.

Já, hvernig lýst ykkur á nýja blogg-stílinn minn sem ég fékk að láni frá ónefndum bloggara. (oki, kannski svoldið súrrealísk útgáfa en samt.....) er þetta bara ég, eða er svoldið súrt að blogga á ensku?

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